bandung restaurant

Yo, let’s hit the yum-yum road, whoosh!!

Light Green
Green snacks are what we looking for first. Let’s step into the street of Dalem Kaum. Here we will find some carts selling a traditional green and thin “pancake”. Other greenie snack that will catch your attention is putu cake. You put some green flour inside bamboo tubes, along with brown sugar.

One of the best greenie bananas in Bandung, can be found at a Borneo Restaurant on Lower Setiabudhi Street. In Bandung, our favorite green rice can be found at a food court, located inside a hair salon of Surya Sumantri Street. They have steamed green rice, wrapped inside banana leaves and filled with sweet chicken and mushroom. Then, you should grab a bite of green burger on Dipati Ukur Street, near Pasupati flyover.

Dessert Green
Time for freshie greenie! Gulp the ultimate green juices, my friend, like this green mustard juice. Other greenie beverage that is on our hot list is iced avocado of a famous noodle house, Linggarjati on Dalem Kaum Street. As long as you’re green, you’re growing.

Bandung Food Story : Bandung Vintage Food Trip

Bandung as a culinary city? Yes! That’s exactly the right term for our culinary paradise referring to its variety of food, beverages and snacks available on every inch of this town. No wonder if every weekend, Bandung is always crowded with tourists and its own locals. All craving for good food! But, have you ever imagine about Bandung’s culinary world on the past? When our mom and dad, or maybe our grandparents were still on their youth days? Well, it turns out that some of these oldie culinary spots are still gain the spotlight among newcomers. Let’s get to know them!

1. Toko You
Guys, please try to ask your parent, what they’d known about this place, so that their eyes will spark, tracing back to good old times – we’re sure about that – as soon as they hear this restaurant name which has exist since 1950. Yes, Toko You – located at Hasanuddin Street (near St. Borromeus Hospital of Dago) has become one of most wanted restaurant at the Bandung now and then. This cozy place still keeps its own vintage taste, so you can feel a very strong nostalgic aura there. Besides, this place also become one of culinary destination for Bandung people and visitors, because of its cozy ambience, strategic location and relatively affordable price. Have a bite of some Toko You’s finest menu, like Mie Tahu Gejrot, various home-made Chinese Food, Nasi Rawon Bakar and Baso Goreng. You can also grab some snacks and raw noodles plus dumplings for your souvenir.

2. Lotek Kalipah Apo
Kalipah Apo is actually one of Bandung street’s name, clickers! It is located near Astana Anyar and Gardujati, a certain area often referred as Bandung’s Chinatown. But, many people in Bandung remember one thing when they heard the word Kalipah Apo. It is Lotek, a Sundanese version of Gado-gado (Indonesian traditional salad, served with peanut sauce). The place served lotek as their main course since 1953, in a well-maintained old house building, yet still comfy to stay inside of it. You’ll feel a strong nostalgic experience here. Beside lotek, you should try kolak as your dessert. Both will bring you into an “addiction”, folks! There’s another interesting thingie that you’ll find here. Check out the famous cobek (some kind of kitchen tools to refine spices), a huge one! An old legend said that there’s a granny – we usually call her ‘encim’ – who usually there to grind the nut spices for the lotek sauce on this giant cobek. OMG, so cool!

3. Bawean (Sweetheart) Bakery
Hmmm.. it seems there’s something that left behind from this oldschool culinary journey today.. Yes, snack! Where can we get a vintage cakes hop, pastry and bakery that still available here at our lovely Bandung? Well, just drop by to Sweetheart, or now also known as Toko Bawean. This pastry and bakery shop has been exist in Indonesian culinary world – especially in Bandung – since 1946. Waa, a year after the independence of Indonesia, it means Bawean’s age is only a year younger that our beloved Indonesia. Wanna know what’s our favourite here? Nougat Roll – roll cake with nougat on it – chocolate wafer and gum ice cream stole our heart immediately! FYI, this shop’s cakes are free from preservatives, therefore they only lasts for like 2 to 3 days. More healthy choice and still yumyum to have!

Hmm... it’s gonna be superfun to explore these oldschool culinary places at Bandung for this weekend. So, what are you waiting for, guys, start your engine and go straight to them! And don’t forget to share your stories at our Citizen Journalism area, okay? :) (CS)