blood libel

Palin Criticizes Manufacturers of 'Blood Libel' as Proponents of Speech Limits Cite Sharron Angle

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Sherman said that even if language used by Angle and her supporters hadn't incited the shootings in Arizona, eventually it will lead to violence.

Angle defended herself in a statement released late Tuesday.

"Finger-pointing toward political figures is an audience-rating game and contradicts the facts as they are known," Angle added. "I have consistently called for reasonable political dialogue on policy issues to encourage civil political education and debate. In the wake of the shooting, the National Hispanic Media Coalition used the incident to reiterate its call for the FCC to update its definitions of hate speech in media. Sarah Palin made a call to conscious Wednesday for those who would manufacture "a blood libel" for last weekend's Arizona shooting, saying "acts of monstrous brutality ... begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively" with Americans exercising their constitutional freedoms.

Liberal media pundits assigned blame by citing Palin's political action committee's website, which showed crosshairs on districts that it was targeting in the November midterm, including the district of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the believed target of the gunman who was wounded in the shooting.

Others said Angle's comments on the campaign trail also incited violence. The debate about heated political rhetoric ratcheted up so quickly and vigorously -- even before Loughner had been identified as the alleged shooter -- some Democratic lawmakers called for curbs on free speech.

In a Facebook posting issued Wednesday morning, Palin lamented the "irresponsible statements" of those casting blame on political figures.

The motive behind Jared Lee Loughner's attack in Arizona remains a mystery, but some Democratic lawmakers are looking to curb speech they claim creates an "aura of hatred" -- and are pointing to failed Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle of Nevada as an example of the need for federal regulations.

Congressman Pete King to Introduce Gun Safety Bill After Arizona Shooting

Palin was immediately criticized for the statements.

"You know, Sarah Palin just can't seem to get it, on any front. As Palin decried the exploitation of the Arizona shooting, some lawmakers said federal regulations are needed to stop heated speech.

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Loughner, the accused gunman with no discernible connection to American political discourse, has not stated why he allegedly shot 20 people in the assault at a Tucson Safeway grocery store. In the face of those realities, any attempt to tar Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, or any other conservative leader as responsible in any way will be met with outrage by the American people. Delivering a speech Tuesday, Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said media have the power to inspire, motivate and inform.

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Breaking: ADL condemns Sarah Palin's "blood libel"

It is unfortunate that the tragedy in Tucson continues to stimulate a political blame game. It was inappropriate at the outset to blame Sarah Palin and others for causing this tragedy or for being an accessory to murder. While the term "blood-libel" has become part of the English parlance to refer to someone being falsely accused, we wish that Palin had used another phrase, instead of one so fraught with pain in Jewish history.

If the goal of Sarah Palin's speechwriters was to get lots of attention, it worked. Her use of the phrase "blood libel" this morning has sparked quite a bit of discussion.

In context, the half-term governor, speaking by way of a pre-recorded video because she can't handle interviews, argued that "journalists and pundits" had manufactured "a blood libel," which in turn may "incite ... hatred and violence."

Blood libel is a term that usually refers to an ancient falsehood that Jews use the blood of Christian children in religious rituals. "Blood libel" is not wrongfully assigning guilt to an individual for murder, but rather assigning guilt collectively to an entire group of people and then using it to justify violence against them. The difference is, though, that Beck and Limbaugh don't really fancy themselves as political leaders in the sense Palin does. The point is not without merit -- if she thinks the "Bush Doctrine" refers to the former president's "worldview," it's safe to assume her understanding of the "blood libel" phrase is limited. Some prominent Jewish Republicans, by the way, were asked this morning for their reaction to Palin's use of the phrase.

Summarize By Eri Rm


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