millard south high school

Millard South High School Shooting: Robert Butler Jr. & Vicki Kaspar Dead

On January 5, there was a shooting at Millard South High School in Omaha, Nebraska. The underage shooter remains unidentified.

The shooter entered the front office at Millard South High School, firing four to five shots. The gunman shot two people. Jake Bettin, a police officer in Omaha, confirmed that the shooter was a student at Millard South High School. The investigation is ongoing and the school remains locked down. Neighboring schools have been dismissed.

Students crowded into the school’s kitchen, seeking protection from the gunman. Millard South High School is home to 2,100 students and is located on the west side of Omaha.

Update: Assistant Principal Vicki Kaspar, a victim of the shooter has died. The shooter Robert Butler Jr., 17 was found dead.

Shooting at Millard South and the effect on the community

A student killed himself after shooting two other people at Millard South High. Very little could have stopped this shooting. People are constantly having breakdowns due to stress. This student could not handle being suspended. The Bible teaches that life is to be respected. Lev 17:11 says “life… is in the blood” (NASB). The sanctity of life is no longer respected. All information on today’s shooting obtained from:

Millard South High School Shooting: Student Shoots Principal In Omaha

A high school student shot his principal and was later found dead this afternoon in an incident at Millard South High School in Omaha, Nebraska.

The Omaha World-Herald reported that the school's principal Curtis Case and one other adult were injured in today's shooting. The shooting remains under investigation and police declined to give further details. UPDATE: The Omaha Police Department says that the suspect in the shooting was a senior at the school and confirms he was found dead in a car after the shooting.

UPDATE: reports that the shooter was Robert Butler Jr., son of Omaha Police Det. Robert Butler.

Millard South High School Shooting Has Now Resulted in Two Deaths

In a sad addendum to this evening’s earlier story of the 17-year-old gunman who killed himself at Millard South High School in Omaha, Nebraska this afternoon, the assistant principal, Vicki Kaspar, who was previously listed in critical condition, has died.

New details available from the Associated Press confirm that “Vicki Kaspar, 58, died at a hospital hours after the shooting, police said. Principal Curtis Case, 45, was listed in stable condition.” The student gunman, Robert Butler, Jr., had only attended Millard South High School for two months.

Butler’s stepgrandfather told reporters, “I have no idea what led to this,” and students recalled Butler as “energetic, fun and outgoing.”

Summarize By Eri Rm


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