bandung hotel

When planning a vacation in Bandung, Indonesia, the position of the 'hotel, which offers so much. Hotel Cassadua For example, not only a characteristic of low-cost housing, but also a strategic area. People always look for cheap hotels that are located in the center, but many of these affordable hotels are actually located on the outskirts of the city.

1. Rates

In Bandung, Indonesia offers many holiday activities, you may want to spend more on them than on accommodation. In search of the long list of hotels in Bandung and find one that suits your budget.

2. Place

Most hotels near major attractions may have higher rates, but there are still some affordable housing, offering packages. Some of the main attractions in the area of ​​Bandung is Kawah Putih, Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, Bosch and Patenggang Situ Monitoring.

3. Facilities

Look at the list of facilities and free passes, your hotel offers objective and assess whether it offers the best value for your money. Cassadua Hotel offers spacious and tastefully decorated rooms are equipped with Internet access, cable TV and private toilet and bathroom. The hotel offers massage, gym, bar and restaurants to meet the needs of different customers. If you are looking for a cheap holiday hotel but nice Cassadua in Bandung, Indonesia will certainly make it possible for you


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