bandung art science

Art & Science

  • Bandung has been the melting point between the local Sundanese culture and the high-end technology developed at the Institute Technology Bandung. There are some interesting places to visit:

  • Saung Angklung Udjo [3]. Angklung is a traditional South-East Asian musical instrument, made by bamboo. Udjo Nalagena, a famous angklung artist, created an Angklung House in the outskirt of Bandung, where angklung is made, learned and played. Location: Jl. Padasuka 118, around 7km from Bandung.

  • Bosscha Observatorium [4], built in 1923 by Nederlandsch-Indische Sterrekundige Vereeniging (Assoc. of Dutch-Indies Astronomers) is the only observatorium in Indonesia. It lies in Lembang, a small suburb city in the northern part of Bandung. It is now part of the Dept. of Astronomy, Institute Technology Bandung. Location: Jl. Peneropongan Bintang, Lembang 40391. Tel: (+62) 22-2786001. To visit there, ask the department administration first for a reservation. Some visiting notes:

  • Public night (17:00-19:30), between April-October, with some presentations and demos. Geological Museum, houses 250.000 rocks and mineral collection, and 60.000 fossils. JLocation: Jl. Diponegoro 57, Bandung. (near Gedung Sate complex). Tel: (+62)-22-7203205.

  • Visiting time: every day 09:00-15:00 except Friday.
  • Sri Baduga Maharaja Museum
  • Pos dan Giro Museum
  • Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum